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Solid Waste Disposal – 2024 and Beyond

The Council for the Town of Wynyard has made a decision to implement curbside residential garbage pickup. Bins have been distributed throughout the Town and a third-party company, Easy Bin Waste Removal, has been hired to perform the pickups. Easy Bin Waste Removal will be familiar to most people as they have been picking up your curbside recycling for a number of years. 

Residential Bi-Weekly Pick-up (Third Party):

- The date of the first residential waste collection will be Monday, July 8, 2024 for the west end of Wynyard from the 640 Grid to 4th Street East. Then on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the remainder of the Town, from 5th Street East to the east end of Wynyard will have garbage collection.

- The resident will be required to set the roll-out garbage bins, on a bi-weekly basis, similar to what occurs with the blue recycle bins. The bins are scheduled to be picked up as early as 7:00 AM so make sure your bins are on the street before that time.

- The Town has implemented a $10 per month charge that will be included on the utility (water) invoices of all residential water accounts. The few residents without Town of Wynyard utility accounts will be invoiced separately.

- Restrictions on what can be placed in the garbage bins do not change. Garbage bins are for bagged household waste. Yard waste, hazardous materials and recyclable materials are not allowed in your household waste containers.

-To help ease into the new system of waste removal, the Town employees will be picking up residential garbage as usual on July 2-3, 2024.

2025 Garbage & Recycle Pickup Schedule.

Commercial/Industrial Solid Waste Pick-up (Third Party):

- Effective date for commercial waste pickup is set for July 10, 2024. The frequency of the waste collection and the cost for this service will be determined between the commercial property proprietor and the third-party contractor.

- Sharing bins with a neighbouring commercial property is encouraged.


Recycle Pick-up (Third Party):

a) Redidential

- The blue bin recycle pickup for residential properties will change once the third-party waste pick-up is implemented. The scheduled pickup will change from twice per month to bi-weekly and will alternate with waste pick-up.

b) Commercial/Industrial/Institutional

- There are no current plans to change the commercial/industrial/institutional recycle pick-up that mostly includes cardboard.


Other Recycling Services:

There is no change to the SARCAN service, ECO Centre, or compost pile options. 


Issued this 24th day of June, 2024. 

Jason Chorneyko

Chief Administrative Officer