Strategic Plan aims to provide a comprehensive view of our community’s vision and priorities and the goals we aim to accomplish over the next 5 years. On November 24, 2021, the Town of Wynyard Council held the strategic planning session at the Council Chambers in Wynyard, Saskatchewan. Council adopted a mission, vision, and strategic objectives.
Strategic Objectives
Town of Wynyard Council listed the following priority programs and projects for the next five years:
- Complete Water and Sewer Line Upgrade
- Establish a Waste Management Plan
- Sportsground Upgrade
- Asset Management
- Re-establish the Emergency Measures Organization and create an emergency plan
- Boost economic development efforts
- Road and Sidewalk Repairs
- Develop an internal and external communications strategy
- Website Upgrade
- Create realistic capital and operating budget
- Enhance tri-town cooperation
- Determine the purpose of the Food and Beverage service at Co-operative Place