Due to the rising levels of the Quill Lakes, many of Wynyard’s look-out points are flooded out. Wadena is closed (you can only get to it by canoe or kayak), and the 640 Grid is also flooded and therefore closed. The lookout point at the Foam Lake Heritage Marsh is the only open official look-out point. The Heritage Marsh is still within the same water system as the Quill Lakes so it will have similar birds as the lakes.
640 Grid Road Between the Lakes
Photo Credit: Kyle Stefanovic
Birding HOT SPOT!
One of the best places in the world to bird, with over 300 species, one day counts of over 300,000, and over one million birds annually, it’s no surprise that the Quill Lakes region is Canada’s most nationally and internationally recognized bird Areas. Over one million shorebirds, ducks, geese, cranes, and songbirds stop here while traveling North America’s Central Flyway, with flocks in the tens of thousands. Endangered species include the piping plover, peregrine falcon, and the whooping crane.
The lakes are designated a globally important Ramsar wetland, a Saskatchewan Heritage Marsh, a Western Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve, an accredited Watchable Wildlife Viewing Area, Saskatchewan’s first Important Bird Area, and anchor to the Saskatchewan Bird Trail.
Photo Credit: Kyle Stefanovic
Marbled Godwits at Big Quill Lake, just north of Wynyard.
Photo courtesy of Patty Martin, www.instagram.com/pjmyxe/
A Willet at Big Quill Lake, close to Wynyard.
Photo courtesy of Patty Martin, www.instagram.com/pjmyxe/
Agricultural land surrounding the Quill Lakes.
Photo courtesy of Patty Martin, www.instagram.com/pjmyxe/
An Eared Grebe family in the Quill Lakes marsh complex. Notice the two babies on the back of one of the adult birds.
Photo courtesy of Patty Martin, www.instagram.com/pjmyxe/
Part of the marsh complex around Quill Lakes, an internationally important habitat for thousands of nesting and migrating birds.
Photo courtesy of Patty Martin, www.instagram.com/pjmyxe/
Quill Lakes Important Bird Area
The Tri Town Quill Lakes Important Bird Area Tourism Association communities of Wynyard, Wadena and Foam Lake in cooperation with Ducks Unlimited have come together to promote the Quill Lakes as a birding Hot Spot destination. For more information visIt the Quill Lakes International Bird Area website http://www.quill-lakes-bird-area.com/
Wynyard Interpretive Centre
located on Ave F besides the Wynyard Town office visitors can gain a special appreciation for the International Bird Area by visiting the large Interpretive Centre in Wynyard. Here you’ll find interactive displays, wildlife dioramas, an activity center and a movie theatre. Films are shown throughout the day, highlighting the areas birds, wetlands, and cultural history.
At the Interpretive Centre, you can discover how the Canadian Air Force used the Lakes during World War II, why the lakes are so important to the endangered Piping Plover and other wildlife, and how wildlife organizations are working to conservation the Lakes valuable resources. You can also improve your birding skills by trying your hand at estimating bird numbers, identify many of the birds common to the area, and learning what mysteries banding birds the Quill Lakes have uncovered. At the Activity Centre you’ll discover the wonders of migration and learn what tactics birds have developed for feeding in the Canada’s largest saline lake.
Hours of Operation
Open daily from 9am- 5pm from the beginning of May to the end of August. In the off season tours can also be provided by visiting the Town Office or contacting the Leisure Services department at 306-554-3661 or recreation.wynyard@sasktel.net
Ducks Unlimited
Ducks unlimited is very active in the area with an office in Wadena, SK.(306-338-3677). Ducks unlimited restores and manages various sites throughout the Quill Lakes Important Bird Area. For more information on Ducks Unlimited visit their website http://www.ducks.ca/your-province/saskatchewan/
Nature Watch Guides
Ducks Unlimited have created “Nature Watch” guides which identify areas to visit and provide wildlife check lists of what can be seen at various locations.
Brochures can be picked up at the Interpretive Center or they can be viewed, printed or download . Please note: These are large files (up to 3.3 Mb) in PDF format, and may take some time to download depending on your Internet connection speed. Your patience is appreciated.
East Shore of Little Quill Lake
Optimum Viewing Schedule